Arrow functions in ECMAScript 6

I think that an arrow functions are one of the best features of ECMAScript 6, excluding class-es and OOP programming at all.

It has really very helpful and useful syntax for scripting language. So let’s check it out:


    //Function with no parameters:
    () => { statements } ]

    //Function with single parameter:
    singleParam => { statements }

    //Function with one and more parameter:
    (param1, param2, , paramN) => { statements }
    //Function with simple return statement:
    n => n*2

How did it look in ECMASript 5?

    //Function with no parameters:
    function() { statements }

    //Function with single parameter:
    function( singleParam ) { return statements }

    //Function with one and more parameter:
    function (param1, param2, , paramN) { return statements }
    //Function with simple return statement:
    function(n){return n*2}

Use case

I love the syntax of arrow functions in ECMAScript 6! I always asked myself a question why do I need to write word ‘function’ all the time. And now I don’t have to.

Let’s see some examples:

    square = n=>n*n;
    square(5); //25

This is simple function that returns square of number passed as a parameter. Isn’t it pretty?

In ECMAScript 5 it should be written like this:

    function square(n){ return n*n }

But to understand where the new syntax is really helpful, let’s look at injected functions:

    //ECMAScript 6: => item*2)
    //instead of ECMAScript 5:{return item*2}) 
    //ECMAScript 6:
        list.forEach(n => {
    //instead of ECMAScript 5:

Don’t you see that ECMAScript 6 is more about program you wrote, not about syntax of it!

* In last example in ECMAScript 6 I used a block-scope, in ECMAScript 5 only function was block scoped. Read more about block-scopes in ECMAScript 6 here: